Located at the entrance ofthe city, this building provokes interest and lures people closer to experience more. History and heritage are at the forefront of the city narrative, so Colbrone’s industrial streetwall and cascading brick plays throughout the facade to pay homage to what came before.
The client, a specialist in boutique developments, wanted to bring a large city feel to a developing downtown core. Their contemporary style is interconnected with old world elements to round the building and stand the test o time. This mixed use building features large retail store fronts that invites large flow offoot traffic. The diagonal bracing leads to a brick soffit and toether leave a bold impression on the public and exude a sense of belonging and longevity. Pedestrians breathe life into the site as they interact with each other and the building when they enter the breezeway located at the center.
Pedestrians breathe life into the site as they interact with each other and the building when they enter the breezeway located at the center. Balconies step up the facade and optimize the resident amenity space. Industrial steel columns line the top o the building, supporting a lighter metal sofit, while stillgiving you the feeling that you are connected to the skies above. Colborne holds strongcharacteristics, capturing the city's attention and creating a space that residents can be proud to call home.